Fair Weather For A Week

Fair Weather for a Week, with a Southern Wind, is like to

produce a great Drought, if there has been much Rain out of the

South before. The Wind usually turns from North to South, with a quiet

Wind without Rain, but returns to the North, with a strong Wind and

Rain; the strongest Winds are when it turns from South, to North by


N. B. When the North Wind first clears the Air (which is usually
/> once a Week) be sure of a fair Day or two.

OBSERVATIONS of this Nature upon Winds have employed the ablest Heads

in all Ages. Pliny the great Naturalist has left us a great deal upon

this Subject, which plainly proves that it has been the Opinion of the

ablest and wisest Men that Study and Experience might reduce even

Things of such seeming Incertainty under stated Rules, and within the

Bounds of a regular System. For Instance he tells us.

"IN Africa the South Wind is serene, the North East cloudy.

All the Winds have their Turns. To judge rationally of their

Changes, the fourth Day of the Moon is to be regarded.--The South

Wind blows stronger than the North East, because the former rises

from the Bottom, whereas the latter comes from the Surface of the

Sea. It is for this Reason that those Earthquakes are most

dangerous that follow after a South Wind."

IN order to understand this Notion of Pliny, we need only advert

to the Account given us by the Reverend Mr. Robinson, in his

natural History of Westmoreland, which is exceedingly curious,

and well worthy of the Reader's perusal. This ingenious Gentleman is of

Opinion that Winds have their original from the Sea, of which he gives

the following very probable Account.

"IT, that is, the Wind, proceeds from vast swarms of nitrous

Particles arising from the Bottom of the Sea, which being put into

Motion, either by the central Fire, or by the Heat and Fermentation

which abound in this great Body of the Earth; and therefore the

first Commotion excited by the said Fermentation, we call a Bottom

Wind, which is presently discovered by Porpusses and other Sea

Fish, which delight in sporting and playing upon the Waves of the

Sea, and by their playing give the Mariners the first Notice of an

approaching Storm.

"WHEN these nitrous swarms are risen towards the Surface of the Sea

in a dark Night, they cause such a shining light upon the Waves, as

if the Sea was on fire. And being delivered from the brackish

Water, and received into the open Air, those fiery and shining

Meteors which fix upon the Masts and Sides of the Ships, and are

only nitrous particles condensed by the circumambient Cold, and

like that which the Chymists call Phosphorus, or artificial

Glow-worm, shine and cast a Light but have no Heat: This gives the

Mariners the second Notice that the Storm is rising, for upon the

first breaking out of the Wind, the Sea begins to be rough, and the

Waves swell and rise, when at the same time the Air is calm and


"THIS boiling Fermentation of the Sea causes the Vapours to rise,

which by the Intenseness of the circumambient Cold are condensed

into thick Clouds, and fall down in Storms of Wind and Rain, first

upon the Sea, from whence they rose, and then the attractive Power

of the Mountain-cold, by a secret Magnetism between Vapour and

Cold, attracts the waterish Vapours, intermixt with nitrous

Particles, to the high Tops of Mountains and Hills, where they hang

hovering in thick Fogs and waterish Mists, until the atmospherical

Heat rarefies the nitrous Part of the Fog (which is always

uppermost, and appears white and translucent) into brisk Gales of

Wind, and the Intenseness of atmospherical Cold having attracted

the Vapours into the colder Regions of the Air, where being

condensed into Clouds, the Wind breaks, dissipates, and drives them

before it, till they fall down in Rain, and water the Surface of

the Earth. And this seems to be the Reason why, in Egypt, and

those level Countries where they have no Mountains, they have

little Wind and less Rain."

