If In The New Moon Rain In The Old
WHEN Exhalations rise copiously from the Earth into the Region of the
Air, and the Air itself is in a proper Disposition, they ascend to a
great Height, and continue a long Time before they are condensed, which
accounts very clearly and philosophically for the Interval of fair
Weather between the rising of these Mists, and their falling down again
in Showers. Their ascending about Sun-rise is a Proof that the Air is
thin, but at the same time of a Force sufficient to sustain them, since
if the Mists were not specifically lighter than the Air itself they
could not ascend.
WHEN the Moon is at the full, and such Exhalations rise plentifully,
the time necessary for them to float in the Atmosphere, before they are
condensed into Clouds and Rain, extends, generally speaking, beyond the
Period of that Moon, and therefore the Observation directs us to expect
fair Weather.