If In The Old Rain In The New

BUT as it is observed not only in this Climate, but all the World over,

that great Changes of Weather happen near the Change of the Moon, it

follows that this is the Season when these Exhalations that ascend so

plentifully at Sun-rising are condensed, and consequently is the Season

when we ought to expect Rain.

IF therefore the Exhalations rise in the new Moon, it is a Sign that

the Air is in a fit dispos
tion to sustain and support them for a

considerable Time, and therefore we have Reason to expect that they

should continue floating till the next regular change of Weather, that

is, till the old of the Moon, or rather till towards the next Change,

and therefore the Observation is very cautiously and very properly

worded, directing us to expect Rain in the old, and in the new, and

not at the old or new, because it is observed that these Changes of

Weather happen not exactly at the Change of the Moon, but a Day or

two before or after, of which the Reader will meet with many Examples

in Captain Dampier's History of Winds and Storms at Sea.

