If It Begins To Rain An Hour Or Two Before Sun Rising

If it begins to rain an Hour or two before Sun-rising, it is like to

be fair before Noon, and so continue that Day, but if the Rain

begin an Hour or two after Sun-rising, it is like to Rain all that

Day, except the Rainbow be seen before it rains.

THIS is a short, clear, and easy Observation, and therefore I shall not

dwell long upon it, but rather entertain the Reader with a few

Observations on the Rainb
w. Whenever it appears, things are thus

circumstanced. The Spectator has the Sun behind him, and Clouds with

the Bow in them before him. Sometimes there are two and even three Bows

seen, but this is very rare. The Colours in the Bow are ranged in this

Order, viz. Violet, Purple, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red. After a

long Drought the Bow is a certain Sign of Rain, if after much Wet fair

Weather. If the Green be large and bright it is a Sign of Rain, but if

the Red be the strongest Colour, then it denotes Wind and Rain

together. If the Bow breaks up all at once there will follow serene and

settled Weather. If the Bow be seen in the Morning small Rain will

follow. If at Noon, settled and heavy Rains; if at Night, fair Weather.

The Appearance of two or three Rainbows shews fair Weather for the

present, but settled and heavy Rains in two or three Days' Time.

LUNAR Rainbows are sometimes, but very seldom seen, they are extremely

beautiful, but much less than those that appear in the Day time, and a

yellow, or rather a straw Colour prevails most. As they happen so

seldom, they cannot well be reckoned amongst the Signs of Weather. But

now, after speaking of so many different Methods of judging when rainy

Weather will be of a short or long Continuance: Give me leave to

describe two or three Instruments easily made, which will shew the

Alterations of the Weather certainly, constantly, and early enough for

most Uses.

THERE were some Years ago a Sort of Toys sold, with a Man and a Woman

so fixed before the Door of a House, that at the Approach of wet

Weather the Woman entered it, and when the Weather grew fair the Man.

This was done by the Help of a Bit of Catgut, which shrinks in wet

Weather, and stretches again when it is fair. This appears better by a

Line and Plummet, especially if the Line be made of good Whipcord, that

is well dried, for then if it be hung against a Wainscot, and a Line

drawn under it exactly where the Plummet reaches, in very moderate

Weather it will be found to rise above it before Rain, and to sink

below when the Weather is like to become fair; but the best Instrument

of all is a good Pair of Scales, in one of which let there be a brass

Weight of a Pound, and in the other a Pound of Salt, or of Salt-Petre

well dried, a Stand being placed under the Scale, so as to hinder its

falling too low. When it is inclined to rain the Salt will swell, and

sink the Scale, when the Weather is growing fair, the brass Weight will

regain its Ascendancy.

